The graduate school’s purpose is to strengthen the link between education and research, in order to encourage Masters students to pursue doctoral studies in the field of the “interface”. This link is highlighted by direct actions:

  • Research-intensive based teaching program (internships/ training) and also by courses given at the heart of the laboratories. The graduate school project offers a continuum of training from graduate to PhD level, but also from the third year of bachelor’s degree.
  •  Practical work is also carried out using powerful laboratory equipment and technological platforms. (AFM, TEM and MEB analysis, wind- and water-tunnel…)
  • In addition to the specific courses, the research teams will be strongly involved in the training programme by presenting and visiting the laboratories to new entrants; offering work placements; supervising or co-supervising work placements and projects; organising and participating in themed schools.
  • 20% of Master’s courses must be taught by external socio-professional actors, in particular researchers and engineers, which constitutes an additional link between education, research and employment.

Short stays for Professors

As part of its strategy to strengthen its international appeal, IntREE offers you the opportunity to invite researchers for short stays (less than 10 days).

To apply, you must fulfill the following conditions:

  • Thank the EUR in your past or future publications
  • Working in the field of interfaces

IntREE will cover travel and accommodation expenses.
Additional expenses (meals, cab, bus, ….) are the responsibility of the laboratories or teams.


Pprime Institute

The Pprime Institute covers a wide scientific spectrum ranging from material physics to mechanical and energetic engineering; it is structured into 3 main scientific departments. The department “Physics and Mechanics of Materials” establishes relationships between microstructure/defects and physical/mechanical properties of materials using experimental and theoretical approaches. The department “Fluid, thermal science and combustion” intends to maintain a transversal approach between fluid mechanic and energetic domains. The originality of the department “Mechanical Engineering, Structures and Complex systems” consists of its capacity to apprehend the mechanical behavior of structures and complex system via an integrated approach.

The Pprime Institute leads the LABEX INTERACTIF (renewal in 2019, for a five years period), the EQUIPEX GAP and is involved in ROBOTEX. The Labex is included in the project.

The LABEX INTERACTIFS, piloted by the PPRIME Institute, has led to the development of internationally recognized expertise in the study of interface phenomena, primarily between fluid and solid media. The goal of the EUR project is to extend the domain of study to a broader range of interface phenomena, and to thereby establish Poitiers as a center of excellence in this area, involving also the ensemble of local forces, in a spirit of multidisciplinarity.
The association of different disciplines, via an educational process, will allow students to apprehend the multi-scale nature of physical phenomena (from nano-scale to macro-scale) and will be conducive to the development of innovative and original approaches.

Interface phenomena between media of different physico-chemical properties.
Interactions between fluids and solids underpin energy conversion, chemical reaction and material ageing processes in diverse industrial frameworks (chemical, aeronautic, environmental…); the understanding and control of these interactions are therefore central for the improvement of eco-efficiency and reduction of the ecological impact of industrial processes.

The scientific project is organised around six main themes: (1) the functionalization of surfaces; (2) mass, heat and electrical transfer at fluid/solid interfaces; (3) interfaces in fluid media; (4) fluid/material interactions; (5) interfaces in porous media; (6) modelling, optimisation and control (which is a transverse activity).

IC2MP Institute

The IC2MP Institute brings together researchers working in the field of chemistry and geosciences. One of the main axis of the laboratory is to study the interactions at the interface between liquid or gaseous molecules and materials (natural or synthetic) in natural or induced catalytic processes. The understanding of physico-chemical phenomena at interfaces allows the development of more efficient processes (in terms of activity, selectivity, productivity, and durability) that find applications in the field of sustainable chemistry and the environment.

Its participation to the project will provide access to characterization and modeling tools to address scientific key points such as a) the understanding of interactions between fluids (liquids, gases) and the surface of materials and minerals, b) the understanding of interactions in porous media between fluids and solids, and c) the evaluation of the electronic properties of functionalized materials, with very important applications in green chemistry (catalysis and biomass conversion).

Research highlights

You will find below different links presenting various recent researches. 

This work was supported by the French government program “Investissements d’Avenir” (EUR IntREE, reference ANR-18-EURE-0010).

Jonathan Colin, Andreas Jamnig, Clarisse Furgeaud, Anny Michel, Nikolaos Pliatsikas, Kostas Sarakinos, and Gregory Abadias, In Situ and Real-Time Nanoscale Monitoring of Ultra-Thin Metal Film Growth Using Optical and Electrical Diagnostic Tools: Review-article-djo-Nanomaterials-2020-1

Fabienne Touchard, Laurence Chocinski-Arnault, Teddy Fournier, Christophe Magro, Antoine Lafitte, Amélie Caradec, Interfacial adhesion quality in 3D printed continuous CF/PA6 composites at filament/matrix and interlaminar scales: 2021-Comp Part B

Jérome Colin, Effect of stiffness contrast on the dislocation equilibrium positions in a multi-layered structure: Oneline_Colin2021

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